About Us

Henry Farms of Knox, LLC is owned and operated by John and Andrew Henry, father and son. John has been happily married to Beth for 47 years, and they raised their three sons on the family dairy farm. For John and Beth, Christ has been the center of their business from day one. Andrew was born and raised on the farm, working from a young age. In 2005, he married his wife, Jill, and they are happily raising their four children on the farm. John and Andrew officially became business partners in July of 2016, forming their LLC partnership. The focus for their family has been and always will be to glorify God with the land, animals, and assets He has entrusted to us.

In October of 1918, Lester and Rosa Henry walked their small herd of 15 cows more than 10 miles from the Canoe Ripple area to 263 McGiffin Road in Knox, PA. The family farm has been on McGiffin Road ever since. At its founding, the farm consisted of 150 acres and a single barn. As times changed, however, the farm changed, as well. New and different buildings dot the property, the herd size increased to 250 head of cattle, and production now reaches approximately 1,000 gallons of milk per day. Four generations later, the farm has grown to 500 rolling acres nestled in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
The A2 Advantage

Since 2012, Henry Farms of Knox, LLC has been breeding their herd strictly for the A2/A2 protein. This protein is a beta casein protein and is much more digestible for humans. In July of 2019, the farm obtained its Raw Milk License to sell farm fresh milk directly to consumers, and more recently in January of 2020, it received a grant to assist in the building of our own processing plant. Currently, we are in the construction phase of this project. When it is completed, we will be able to offer our consumers both raw and pasteurized A2/A2 milk. We are calling this the “A2 Advantage.” During the course of our raw milk sales, we have seen nearly 60 customers enjoying milk for the first time in years. We are excited about bringing a new dairy option to our area that is helping people once again enjoy this timeless product.