Milk Sales
What are your hours of operation to the public?
They vary depending on the month.
May Sale Days: 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27 and 30 from 2 to 6 PM.
June Sale Days: 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24 and 27 from 2 to 6 PM.
What is the cost of a gallon of raw milk?
$4.25 per gallon
$2.25 for a half gallon
Is raw milk sold by the gallon?
By the gallon or half gallon
Can I bring my own container to fill with raw milk?
Traditionally, we do allow outside jugs to be filled at our farm. Due to COVID-19, we currently cannot allow outside containers on the farm. We hope these restrictions will be lifted by mid to late May.
Am I required to wear a mask while shopping at Henry Dairy Farm?
Masks are not required but suggested as sometimes customers may need to wait in line.
Where are you located?
263 McGiffin Road, Knox, PA 16232
About Henry Dairy Farms
How long has Henry Dairy Farms been in business?
Henry farms has been operating from its current location since October of 1918.
Currently, the fourth generation is helping to run the daily operations on the farm with the fifth generation already getting their feet wet helping around the farm.
When did you start to sell raw milk directly to the public and why?
August of 2019. We received our Raw Milk License through the state of Pennsylvania. We did this to meet the growing demand for a raw milk supplier in our area and to increase our business opportunities as a family owned and operated farm.
What type of feeds are used for cows?
Our cows are fed a TMR (Total Mixed Ration) of feed. We have two full time cow nutritionists working with our farm on a weekly and sometimes daily basis to ensure that our cows are getting the correct amount of vitamins and minerals needed to correctly meet their needs during their various stages of life around the farm. Our feed is mostly made up of a variety of grasses but there are other grains and minerals mixed in as well.
Can cows get Covid-19 and what are you doing to ensure the health of your cows?
No, we are currently keeping the animal contact limited to employees only.
Raw Milk
What is raw milk?
Raw milk is milk taken directly from an animal without any outside modifications. In our case the milk comes straight from the cow into the milk tank where it is cooled and then bottled and sold to consumers.
What process is used to turn freshly squeezed milk into raw milk?
The only thing done to the milk from the time it exits the cow till it is in the bottle for consumers to enjoy is the process of cooling the milk to a tasty 38 to 40 degrees.
Is raw milk safe for everyone to consume?
We believe so. We have people in all stages of life drinking, enjoying and benefitting from our milk.
The FDA states that “raw milk can carry harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria, and warns that failing to pasteurize milk can pose serious health risks, particularly for people with weakened immune system, older adults, pregnant women, and children (FoodFacts, August 2012).”
How long is the refrigerated life of raw milk?
We recommend no longer than 7 days.
Can I drink raw milk beyond the expiration date on the label?
We do not recommend that practice.
What nutrients are in raw milk?

What is the difference between pasteurized, unpasteurized and raw milk?
Pasteurization is the process of heating milk up to 150 degrees for 30 minutes.
Raw milk is unpasteurized milk which has not been through the heating process.
What is the difference between A1 milk and A2 Milk?
A1 is a beta casein protein found in milk that is difficult for some people to digest.
While A2 milk protein is easier for most people to digest, alleviating digestive discomfort.
What is the difference between pasteurized milk versus pasteurized milk that is homogenized?
Homogenized means the cream has been permanently mixed with the milk. Non-homogenized milk is also known as Creamline. This is where the cream still comes to the top even after pasteurization. Henry Farms of Knox will be producing Creamline milk.
How much butterfat content is in raw milk and what is the benefit?
Butterfat is different depending on the breed and make up of each individual cow. Certain breeds are known to have more butterfat than others. The Butterfat content in the milk changes the flavor of the milk. Some consumers may enjoy a lower butterfat content and others may enjoy more. It really is a taste preference.
Milk from Henry Dairy Farms contains 3.5% butterfat.
We currently milk 100% Holsteins. Holsteins are known not to have large amounts of butterfat in their milk but for the large amount of milk they produce.

Advanced Ordering and Pickup
May I place an order ahead of time?
We hope to have this feature up and running on our website in the next few weeks. Currently that is not an option unless you need a special milk pick up time.
How long does it take to process my order if I order in advance of pick up?
On regular milk sale days, we can process the order the day it is placed. On non-sale days, we cannot promise to have it processed until the next sale day unless we have extra milk left from a previous sale date. If you have additional needs please feel free to call and speak with us 814-221-4379.
What should I expect when I arrive to pick up my advance order?
Advanced ordering of milk can be done online until 1:30 on sale days.
Advanced orders can be picked up 30 minutes before as well as 30 minutes after sale times. If you arrive during regular scheduled hours, we would appreciate you waiting in line with the rest of our customers.